Amaze Media digital marketing agency New Orleans

New Orleans SEO Coaching & Consulting

I've had more than a few small business owners ask "can't I do SEO myself". Yes, I reply, but given my experience few folks ever do. I'm happy to give customers some pointers and even get things started for them but ultimately once the ball is in their court they seldom do what's needed to achieve even minimally effective SEO rankings. Reason being? They're busy. Everyone's busy. SEO shouldn't be something that you hope to get to someday or something you do a little here and a little there. SEO needs to be done right if you want to achieve first page results. SEO isn't rocket science but SEO is work. A well developed and maintained SEO campaign takes time. Time to setup, time to monitor, time to gain traction, time to tweak and time to achieve high rankings. If you have the time AND interest to do SEO than I say go for it (if not than hire me). For do-it-yourselfers, I offer a 1-hour SEO coaching and consulting session for New Orleans small businesses.

Is one hour of my personal SEO coaching really worth your time and money?

Yes it is! In fact, I’ve never had anyone tell me otherwise. Reason being? My SEO session is insightful and productive. I review your site, walk you through what is wrong, explain what is SEO best practice and I offer my recommendations for making positive, high impact changes to your website to help achieve first page Google rankings. I educate you, pinpoint your site issues including meta, content, social and mobile. I want you to see your website as Google and Bing see it (and rank it). I will also point out how customers likely view your site and what changes you should make to improve your visitor experience (decrease bounce rates) and ultimately increase conversions (profit). I strive to educate and empower you to help you make positive changes and set you on a path for maintaining a healthy SEO driven website moving forward.

My SEO recommendations will be instantly useable

You still might not be sold on hiring me teach you about SEO, but let me list out a few of the things we will cover during our call.
  • Meta keywords (sneak preview don't waste your time)
  • Meta titles
  • Meta descriptions
  • Website architecture and page hierarchy
  • Page URLs
  • Mobile responsiveness
  • Image optimization
  • 404 pages and pages practically void of any indexable information.
Going into detail on each of the above will give you solid insight into the issues that need to addressed and corrected for an SEO campaign to be effective and achieve maximum rankings. As part of our chat, I will also let you know items I consider to be usability issues. These might be items that degrade your user experience or lessen your level of authority presented to your potential clients. You might wonder why I bring up usability, but it is important to SEO. Google wants to present it’s users with high quality websites. If your website isn’t usable, it works against you site's SEO. Your website user experience is inherently tied to your SEO results. So when it comes your SEO path the decision is yours. But one thing is certain don't stand still doing nothing while your competition is passing you up and winning away your customers.

How much is an hour of SEO Consulting?

My 1-hour session for everything outlined above is $100 and well worth every penny :-)