Amaze Media digital marketing agency New Orleans

Going nowhere with GoDaddy

Chat transcript
YOUR NAME Mark Fayard
John Thu, 12/15/16 01:48:33 pm America/Chicago
Thank you for chatting with us! How may I help you today?
Thank you for contacting GoDaddy Chat Support, my name is John. How may I help you today? 01:49:42 pm
Mark Fayard 01:50:25 pm
I’ve got 5 sites on GoDaddy’s Managed WordPress Hosting all work fine but the latest 4.7 update is not available for any of them. All are currently at 4.6.1
John 01:51:05 pm
May I know your 4 digit pin please?
Mark Fayard 01:51:33 pm
John 01:51:37 pm
I will go and check on your account info and verify then see how we can help you out with your issue. I may also ask you a few questions to make sure we got all your business needs covered.
Mark Fayard 01:51:49 pm
I’m good
John 01:52:08 pm
Checking your account details right now.
Thank you for patiently waiting. 01:55:58 pm
Upon checking here the WordPress version 4.7 is not yet available on your current hosting service. 01:56:14 pm
It is being updated by our system admin for now. But no specific time frame when 4.7 will be available.
Mark Fayard 01:57:12 pm
Wow never heard of a delay on WordPress update availability
John 01:57:57 pm
We apologize for the inconvenience. The reason why it is not yet updated on your current hosting service which is Managed WordPress it takes time to update the version of WordPress manually it will be processed directly from our server.
Since version 4.7 was just released weeks ago. 01:58:04 pm
But if you really want to use 4.7 I would recommend that you use our Ultimate Linux with cPanel hosting that has the latest version of WordPress realtime.
Mark Fayard 01:59:18 pm
I stay on top of WP updates for a number of reasons including compatibility and security
So you’re steering me away from GoDaddy’s Managed WordPress Hosting to move to cPanel?
John 02:00:37 pm
That is up to you, it is your preference. But the Managed WordPress version is currently being updated by our system admin right now to have version 4.7 just giving you alternative option.
Since our system admin did not provide specific time frame when it will be availalbe to your Managed WordPress hosting.
Mark Fayard 02:01:35 pm
I think I’d be better off moving to WPEngine, Site Ground or Digital Ocean. I’ve had too many bad experiences with GoDaddy cPanel hosting
John 02:02:18 pm
We apologize for the inconvenience. Rest assured that the version of WordPress is being updated and double checked with our system admin. Hopefully it will be updated asap.
Mark Fayard 02:02:41 pm
I doubt since it’s already been 2 weeks
How do I reset file and folder permission? Nothing happens when I try with FileZilla 02:03:27 pm
John 02:03:58 pm
Let me try to process it from our server to your account.
May I know the domain name please? 02:04:12 pm
Mark Fayard 02:04:16 pm
files are currently 444 read only and need to be 644. Folder permissions need to be 755 02:05:58 pm
John 02:07:16 pm
Almost done.
Kindly check the account permission please.
Mark Fayard 02:08:57 pm
all files still showing 444 and folders still 705
John 02:09:36 pm
You are using Filezilla to connect?
Mark Fayard 02:10:01 pm
yes, refreshed and reconnected
John 02:10:31 pm
Refresh again please.
Mark Fayard 09:12:20 pm
nope 02:12:26 pm
John 09:14:20 pm
Mark Fayard 02:15:09 pm
yes I’ve done that too but if refresh and check they’re still 444
John 02:16:20 pm
Let me check it manually from our server.
Kindly give me a few minutes please.
Mark Fayard 02:16:36 pm
thank you
John 02:19:20 pm
Our system admin are processing the changes right now to your hosting account.
Mark Fayard 02:20:06 pm
thank you
John 02:20:59 pm
On your end it shows 555 permissions for folders and file permissions shows 444.
Mark Fayard 02:21:43 pm
on my end files are showing 444 and folders are 705
John 02:22:05 pm
I reset the server a while ago should be good. But our system admin are changing it manually right now.
Almost done, just a few more minutes. 02:24:42 pm
Mark Fayard 02:24:54 pm
thank you
John 02:26:56 pm
Just waiting for the changes to take effect.
Just a few more minutes still checking in my end ehre. 02:30:44 pm
Mark Fayard 02:31:24 pm
John 02:33:57 pm
Kindly refresh your page please?
Mark Fayard 02:36:13 pm
files in root still 444

I see files in wp-content are 604 not sure what they were before
Folders are still 705

John 02:36:51 pm
It shows already 644 from our server for files.
Let me check it here again.
Mark Fayard 02:39:30 pm
I found these lines in the wp-config file (setup by GoDaddy and not added by me)

define(‘FS_CHMOD_DIR’, (0705 & ~ umask()));
define(‘FS_CHMOD_FILE’, (0604 & ~ umask()));

Can I remove those?

John 02:39:51 pm
Please keep a copy of your wp-config.php just to make sure.
Then kindly remove the permission please.
Mark Fayard 02:43:15 pm
Didn’t make any difference
John 02:43:52 pm
After removing then refresh still the same?
Mark Fayard 02:44:57 pm
yes still same after removing lines and refreshing
John 02:47:08 pm
May I know the reason why you want to set the file permission to default 644 and 755 for folders.
Mark Fayard 02:48:38 pm
That’s the proper settings for one thing.

Also ManageWP isn’t working and ManageWP support requested I make the change so everything will work properly

Hello Mark,

Thank you for being so cooperative and providing us with website credentials.

I was able to login to FTP and have noticed that most of the files are set to 444 (read only) permissions

Could you please change your file and folder permissions to 755 for folders and 644 for files and then attempt to check for core updates?

Awaiting your reply.

Kind regards,

02:49:28 pm
John 02:50:26 pm
This is coming email is coming from?
Mark Fayard 02:50:55 pm
ManageWP support (a GoDaddy owned service)
John 02:51:03 pm
Thank you for that information.
Let me check it here.
May I know the email address that was used to send that message? 02:52:12 pm
Mark Fayard 02:52:31 pm
[email protected]
John 02:54:18 pm
May I know the exact date this email was sent?
Mark Fayard 02:54:37 pm
Re: [Website issue] ManageWP Orion Ticket – Dec 14th, 2016 at 05:14 pm – [email protected]
Why all the questions? Have y’all heard of ManageWP?
John 02:55:35 pm
We are aware of our managed WordPress just checking the complete details here.
Since they should be able to guide you as well change the file permission.
Mark Fayard 02:56:26 pm
I don’t believe ManageWP techs have access to the GoDaddy hosting server
John 02:57:50 pm
I see, I just verified with our system admin and the file permission that was set to your current hosting should be the right permission. According to our system admin the file permission 644 and 755 is set for public viewing of files. Now since this is being Managed WordPress hosting that should be the correct file permission.
Mark Fayard 02:59:25 pm
Now I can’t login to SFTP…
John 02:59:28 pm
That is why even if we modify or tried changing it to default it is not taking effect.
May I know the exact error message you are getting?
Mark Fayard 03:00:03 pm
Status: Connecting to…
Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=6
Command: open “[email protected]” 22
Command: Pass: *********
Error: Authentication failed.
Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server
John 03:00:26 pm
Based from the error message it has something to do with the password.
Kindly retype your password please.
Mark Fayard 03:00:56 pm
Now logged in. Worked third time – never messed with password
Still showing incorrect file and folder permissions 03:01:33 pm
John 03:02:16 pm
Yes the current file permission should be 444 and 555 for folder.
Mark Fayard 03:02:54 pm
So 1 hour and 15 minutes later we’ve gotten nowhere
John 03:03:20 pm
I apologize for the inconvenience. I really tried my best here to assist you with all your concerns.
Mark Fayard 03:04:53 pm
I appreciate that but I’m still stuck with 444, 555, 705s because you’re sysadmin can’t get the job done
John 03:04:55 pm
Yes, That cannot be changed according to our system admin that is the default permission for Managed WordPress.
I tried in my end even reset the server. Then I went to our system admin to process the changes same thing happened. 03:05:13 pm
Only our Linux with cPanel hosting has the option to modify the file permissions.
Mark Fayard 03:05:42 pm
You mean GD Managed WordPress not Managed WP with WPEngine, Flywheel. Dreamhost…
Are you seriously telling me to move my site again! 03:06:02 pm
John 03:06:15 pm
I also tried it using my Managed WordPress account here.
Same file permissions on my WordPress site under Managed WordPress.
I really do apologize for the inconvenience.
Mark Fayard 03:07:37 pm
I’m sure we’d both like to get all the time we just wasted back. Nonetheless have a nice weekend. I’ll look to other WordPress providers in the future.
John 03:07:57 pm
Would like to inform you as well upon doing an account review it seems that your domain Economy LInux hosting is about to expire.
Just informing you ahead for the renewals. 03:08:06 pm
Again, I apologize for the inconvenience. Is there anything else I may assist you with for today?
Mark Fayard 03:09:04 pm
I don’t have any hosting with GoDaddy other than Managed WordPress Hosting. What account and domain(s) are you referring to?
John 03:09:22 pm
I apologize since I opened my account here it was my account that is expiring. 🙂
As I stated earlier, I was going to review your account for any expiring services. I just wanted to let you know that your account looks good, and there are no alerts that we need to discuss at this time.
Your account is all good here.
Mark Fayard 03:10:04 pm
You should let it go and move to SiteGround or Aspiration Hosting. Let me know if you’d like an affiliate link.
John 03:10:09 pm
Again we really apologize for the inconvenience.
Is there anything else I may assist you with for today?
Mark Fayard 03:10:58 pm
No thanks John, I appreciate your professionalism having to deal with a flawed product.
John 03:11:06 pm
You are welcome and thank you for chatting with us. We value your feedback. Please click the Close button at top right to answer a few questions about your experience with us today.
You have a good afternoon. 🙂

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